Although our winters are mild, we occasionally experience freezing temperatures. Here are a few simple steps to protect your home and increase energy efficiency through the winter months.
Protect Water Pipes
Seal cracks and openings around pipes.
Insulate pipes that are unprotected.
Disconnect exterior hoses from faucets, drain and store them.
Close off exterior valves or cover them to insulate from freezing temperature.
Locate main water shutoff to turn of water supply in case of pipe burst.
Open vanity and cabinet doors beneath faucets to keep air around pipes warm.
Allow faucets to drip to relieve pressure and prevent bursting.
Weatherproof Your Home
Replace warn weatherstripping around exterior doors and windows.
Install storm doors and replace old windows.
Caulk and seal gaps and openings.
Ensure that your attic is properly insulated.
Clean out gutters to eliminate standing water from freezing.
Increase Energy Efficiency and Safety
Replace thermostat with a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature when you are not at home.
Have wood burning fireplace professionally inspected and cleaned to prevent fire hazards.
Close propane tank valve and disconnect from grill for winter storage.
Have your HVAC system professionally inspected and tuned up.
Trim large branches from roof and home.